Creditor Harassment Lawyer in Philadelphia
Are Creditors Harassing You in Pennsylvania?
In my years of practice as a Philadelphia debt collector harassment attorney, I have seen many good people in troublesome financial situations. Many want to pay their debts but don't know how this can be achieved.
Debt collection agencies and those hired by creditors to collect on debts can make individuals feel pressured to do things they would not normally do. It is important that you know your rights under the law as a consumer. It is equally vital that you understand you don't have to put up with creditor abuse and that there are viable options for handling your debts.
I offer a free consultation for those that have been harassed by debt collectors.
Stop the Harassing Collection Calls
A debt collector may make it seem as though a consumer has little control or options over the situation. They may try to make it seem as if they are in control because they are the creditors. That, however, is yet another problematic scare-tactic. Consumers do have options, including the ability to request that the debt collector stop calling them.
If my firm can take on your case, there are immediate actions that I can take using the law to stop the harassment and give you some breathing room. I am here to aggressively fight for your rights and provide direction towards a resolution of your financial problems.
Federal Law Protects Consumers in Philadelphia
Debt negotiation, short sales, asset protection and bankruptcy are all ways for individuals to find relief from overwhelming debt. The first step, however, is using the power of the law to halt harassment from debt collectors. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) provides exact guidelines for what individuals can and cannot do in attempting to collect a debt. Actions such as unnecessary calls to third parties, multiple contacts with the consumer, abusive conduct, the threat or use of violence including an implied threat, or even "publication of a list of consumers who allegedly refuse to pay debts" are all prohibited actions.
Attorney Forbes can brief you on many other actions that are not allowed per the law and what can be done about them. If you are the victim of creditor abuse or harassment, you may be entitled to sue the collection agency and receive compensation for the harm done to you. Having the debts is a frustrating enough experience without having to battle abusive debt collectors as well.
When you are tired of harassment from debt collectors and would like relief from this situation, immediately contact Philadelphia creditor harassment lawyer Michael Forbes at (610) 991-3321 for help.
Philadelphia Collection Harassment Attorney
As a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates, I have successfully worked for years to protect individuals from creditor abuse and harassment. Unpredicted medical bills, the sudden loss of a job, mounting credit card bills and many other financial problems can lead to unpaid debts that are hard to overcome. Your difficult times do not give bill collectors the right harass or bully you.
Michael P. Forbes, Esquire can aggressively take on collection agencies on your behalf. In my office, neither you nor your debts are judged; I am simply here to help you find the best solution for your financial troubles. At the Law Office of Michael P. Forbes, PC, our mission is to ensure that your rights under the FDCPA are respected by debt collectors no matter how large or small your debt may be.
Fortunately, in 1997 the U.S. Congress passed the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). It is a law and it must be enforced if creditor abuse is to be stopped.
Per the FDCPA, it is illegal for bill collectors to:
- Use or threaten to use violence
- Threatening one's property or reputation
- Making false statements about the person's debt
- Threatening to advertise one's debts
- Use language that is obscene or profane
- Contact you on a repeated basis
- Call at improper hours of the day (i.e. before 8:00 AM or after 9:00 PM)
- Threaten lawsuits, garnishments, liens or arrests for an unpaid debt
- Call you at work when they have been told not to
- Claim you owe more money than you do
- Add unauthorized fees such as interest or other charges
- Call you without identifying themselves as bill collectors
- Keep calling you after they have been told that you are represented by an attorney
As extreme as some of these may seem, many people have experienced these and still other difficulties with debt collectors and collection agencies. The collectors' disregard and abuse of consumer rights indicates that there is little some of them wouldn't do in order to collect a payment.
Turning the Table on Bill Collectors
The FDCPA provides for legal action to be taken against debt collectors when they violate your rights. Mr. Forbes can explain this option to you and other actions that can be taken to stop the harassment. In certain cases, debt collectors can be sued for damages. They will have to pay you for their actions and they may be required to pay my fees as well.
You should save copies of all letter and notice from collection agencies. All phone messages and voice mails should be kept - this is very important to your case. If you have a conversation with a collection agency, make detailed notes of the conversation. It is vital that you know that there is something you can do about it.
Contact a creditor harassment lawyer in Philadelphia when actions by bill collectors have gone too far and need to be halted.
How to Stop Creditor Harassment
If you've ever been on the wrong end of a call from a debt collector, you don't easily forget the conversation. The debt collector says everything they can to make you feel bad about yourself, often trying to shame you into paying the debt that you would gladly pay if you could afford it. Unfortunately, the collector's efforts often turn into frustration when they become abusive and direct nasty remarks at you in an offensive tone. Most people who have been victimized by this type of disrespectful treatment by debt collectors first feel embarrassed and humiliated. The calls keep coming but you don't think you have any recourse against the abuse and harassment.
If you are being harassed by creditors, contact Michael P. Forbes, Esquire to find out your rights under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA). Congress has given you weapons in which to fight back and make the debt collector pay you money for their abusive, harassing behavior. Even if you legitimately owe the money, a debt collector has to treat you with respect. That is the law!
Protect Your Rights as a Consumer
It is illegal for a debt collection company to engage in abusive, harassing or threatening behavior when attempting to collect a debt. I can review your situation and provide skilled legal representation to stop harassment, including filing a complaint or lawsuit against any debt collection agency that is violating FDCPA laws. My firm represents clients throughout Pennsylvania.
Contact Philadelphia collections harassment attorney Michael Forbes to find out how to stop harassment.
My goal is to reach as many people as possible to let them know that they do have the option to combat collection agency bullies.
CommittedMy firm is proud to deliver high-quality legal representation and compassionate counsel during this difficult time.
Over 25 years of experience and the qualifications to fight for you and your rights.
We fight back and make the debt collector pay YOU money for their abusive, harassing behavior.
Whether you have questions or you’re ready to get started, our legal team is ready to help. Complete our form below or call us at (610) 991-3321.
Our Valued Clients Share Their Thoughts
"He Got Me Out of a Financial Mess"Jerry Timlin
He managed to focus on the best outcomes for my family and our business
TH -
I trust Michael and as a result I highly recommend him.
Heather C. -
"Fought for Me Like No Other. He's One of the Good Ones."J.W.
"Credit Report Inaccuracy Threatened My Promotion"R.T.
"Someone You Definitely Want in Your Corner"J.C.
"They are very straight forward and told us what to expect each step of the way. They are tireless advocates for their clients and profession."RD & AD
Michael P Forbes
Mr. Forbes has always been driven by the desire to help others. With that in mind he began his law career representing indigent families in the Philadelphia family law system for seven years.
Let’s Make Bankruptcy your Last Resort!
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