
Were You Sued By Atlantic Credit & Finance LLC?

Have you received a suspicious letter, phone call, or in-person service of court documents informing you that Atlantic Credit & Finance LLC is suing you over outstanding debt in Pennsylvania? While many people’s first instinct is to dismiss this sort of notice and throw it away with the rest of their junk mail, you could face damaging financial consequences if you do not respond promptly and properly.

Who Is Atlantic Credit & Finance?

Atlantic Credit & Finance LLC is one of many modern junk debt buyers that purchases allegedly defaulted consumer debt accounts and attempts to sue and collect on them. Companies like Atlantic Credit & Finance LLC purchase these accounts at a fraction of the cost from credit card companies, banks, and other companies in hopes of collecting on the full amount by filing lawsuits in bulk against their original debtors.

Atlantic Credit & Finance LLC understands the way the system works and know that those who fail to respond to these summonses can automatically lose by summary judgment. Debt judgments can be devastating, as they can expose debtors to the following consequences:

  • Bank and wage garnishments
  • Judgment liens and foreclosures
  • Severe credit report damage
  • Forced sale of personal assets

Do I Need a Lawyer?

While your situation may be frightening, it is important to know that these types of lawsuits are not always a guaranteed win for the plaintiff and can often be defeated in court with the assistance of a strong attorney. While some debt lawsuits are based on real accounts and debts, many lack the necessary documentation to prove that the defendant owes the specified amount. Since debt accounts can change hands multiple times before a lawsuit is ever filed, it is not uncommon for these cases to be based on debts that have already been satisfied or forgiven.

If you have been sued by Atlantic Credit & Finance LLC or any of its corporate affiliates, it is imperative you get in touch with the Law Office of Michael P. Forbes, PC today. Having served as a Philadelphia debt collection defense lawyer for more than 25 years, I, Attorney Michael Forbes, can provide the aggressive and knowledgeable advocacy you need to ensure your rights are protected.

Do not let a debt collector push you around without a fight. Call my Pennsylvania office today at (610) 991-3321 to discuss your situation in further detail.

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