
I've Been Sued By CACH - What Should I Do?

Have you been contacted by mail, phone, or received an in-person service of court documents claiming that you are being sued by CACH, LLC over old debts? Do not ignore this notice! You could be facing serious financial consequences if you do not act quickly and retain the services of a skilled consumer attorney.


CACH, LLC is a company that buys bad debts from original creditors such as credit card companies, banks, and other financial institutions in an attempt to make a profit. Like most modern junk debt buyers, CACH purchases allegedly delinquent credit card accounts, student loan debts, and other past-due accounts in bulk for next to nothing in order to sue people like you for the full amount. These lawsuits are filed in massive quantities in District Justice court with the hope that the majority of individuals being sued will not respond, resulting in a swift victory via summary judgment.

Debt judgments can carry serious consequences for debtors, including:

  • Bank and wage garnishments
  • Foreclosures and judgment liens
  • Severe credit report damage
  • Forced asset sales

Can CACH Lawsuits Be Defeated?

While your situation may seem dire, it is important to know that junk debt lawsuits of this type can often be won with the assistance of a knowledgeable lawyer. While some debt lawsuits are based on legitimate accounts and debts, most of these cases lack the necessary documentation or are based on erroneous information, causing them to fall apart when examined closely. Since debt accounts can change hands between multiple different parties before a lawsuit is filed, it is not uncommon for these debt cases to even be based on debts that have already been satisfied or discharged through bankruptcy, known as “zombie debts.”

Possible strategies that can be used in your defense include:

  • The statute of limitations expired
  • The wrong debtor was sued
  • Ownership of the debt cannot be proved
  • The owed amount is incorrect
  • The debt was previously settled

Fight Back with the Law Office of Michael P. Forbes, PC

If you have been sued by CACH or any other junk debt buyer, it is imperative you contact the Law Office of Michael P. Forbes, PC today. Having protected countless clients against frivolous debt lawsuits throughout my 25 years as a Philadelphia debt collection defense lawyer, I, Attorney Michael Forbes, can provide the results-driven advocacy you need to protect your financial wellbeing.

Call (610) 991-3321 or contact our office online today to find out more about how my firm can help. We offer service in Pennsylvania.

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