Falling seriously behind on your mortgage, car loan, credit card payments or other debts can be a very stressful experience. Not only are you struggling to keep up with your financial obligations, and make ends meet, but you are probably dealing with harassing phone calls from creditors who are demanding to be paid. In situations like this it is extremely important that you know how to deal with those creditors, you do not fall victim to their exhausting barrage of phone calls, letters and other verbal abuse tactics and that you are able to stop their harassment.
As a consumer, you have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and other federal laws. Due to the fact that I am a highly-skilled and seasoned debt collection defense attorney, with more than 20 years experience, I will be able to advise you on how those laws pertain to your specific circumstances. I will also be able to provide you with the aggressive representation, and effective legal strategy, you need to protect your rights against abusive creditors. Here are a few of the tips you can immediately employ in order to begin dealing with harassing creditors:
- Review your bills thoroughly. An inaccurate bill could have a negative impact on your credit score and on your future. Before you give up hope that you will be able to meet your financial obligations, verify that all the debt is in fact yours.
- Learn your rights. If you do not know your legal rights, your creditors may attempt to violate those rights and make you think you have to do something you are not required to do.
- Stay calm. Although your creditors may attempt to intimate, upset or confuse you, if you stay calm and try to speak with them in a rational manner, you may be able to work out an amiable solution.
- Creditors want to be paid. Rather than you continuing to default on your loan, most creditors would prefer to renegotiate the terms of your loan so that you can once again begin making payments. In most cases, if the terms are reasonable, creditors are willing to work with consumers.
- Do not ignore collection efforts in the hope that your creditors will simply go away. Contact a knowledgeable debt collection defense attorney at my firm so that I can review your current financial situation and advise you on how best to proceed.
It is against the law for creditors or debt collection companies to engage in any manner of abusive, harassing or threatening actions in an attempt to collect on a debt. If you or a loved one has found yourself being harassed by your creditors, I urge you to contact the Law Office of Michael P. Forbes, PC today.