As a debt collection defense attorney, I am happy to report that the director of a Buffalo debt collection agency who admitted selling personal information on thousands of debtors has been sentenced to two years' probation and fined $28,000 by Chief U. S. District Judge William J. Skretny, U. S. Attorney William J. Hochul Jr. reports.
Andrew Jon Pytlewski, 35, of Buffalo, admitted selling the information in 2009 for about $28,000 to fraudulent debt collectors Timothy E. Arent and Neil G. Wieczkowski, convicted of reaping millions of dollars by using the information to scare victims into paying debts they didn't owe.This is why as a debt collection defense lawyer, I want to advise you that when a debt collector calls you, you need to call me!
Contact me:
Michael P. Forbes, Esquire
200 Eagle Road, Suite 50, Wayne, PA 19087(610) 293-9399 p(610) 293-9388 f